Astronomy 2025

Astronomy 2025


What are the Quasar Publishing Yearbooks, and what can they do for me?

Note: There is a change in shipping. The book price has been reduced, but there is now the normal shipping charge. The overall price is the same.

We have been producing these annual publications since 1991. They are written by Australians for Australians.

These yearbooks have been designed for anyone who looks at the night sky, whether using just your eyes, a pair of binoculars, or a telescope. The book has something for everyone from the basic novice up to the advanced amateur astronomer. This includes those with a casual interest who might just want to know, “what is that bright star next to the Moon?”

This book and a good planisphere are powerful tools for those first learning their way around the sky.

Monthly Articles:
Surf’s Up!: The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Leviathan of Parsonstown
The Spectacular Montes Apenninus Region
Smart Telescopes
Great Observatory for Long Wavelengths
Mirror Size Comparison
The Allure of Europa
Fluidic Telescope (FLUTE)
Gaia – Mining the Universe
Pillars of Creation – Cover Image .

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